Material Matters is an artists’ collective and co-operative based in Liverpool, UK and established in 2018.

Our artist members and founders are Angelo Madonna, John Elcock, Patric Rogers and Silvia Battista.

For exhibition or press enquiries please visit FOLLOW

Our Manifesto

MATERIAL MATTERS (MM) is an artists’ collective engaged in artistic and curatorial practices that explore the inter-relationship between materiality, aesthetics and performativity under a collaborative praxis we call emotional minimalism. Emotional Minimalism stands for the agency of materiality to elicit human emotions when enacted in devised spaces and under controlled conditions.  

  • in myth-making processes that are able to transform human perception and invite awareness to the profound entanglement underlying all bodies and forms of materiality.

  • with both mythopoeic and mythopoetic processes by playing with the invention of new mythologies and the interpretation of inherited stories.

  • aesthetic experiences to explore the art of storytelling by involving materials as the activating forces embedded in language/s that are multiple and often unknown to us: human, non-human and beyond-human.  

  • with multidisciplinary contemporary aesthetics to bring the intangible into the spectrum of human perception. 

  • with institutions, artists, communities and educational environments to involve the public into spiritually-enriching experiences that might sometimes be challenging. 

  • that art should be able to enter into and inform all corners of society, encouraging us to feel more and adapt to our ever-changing world.

  • you to explore our projects, to experience the spirits of matter through the power of the poetic!